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Dr. Mohammad Arifuzzaman received master's and P.hD. in computer systems and network engineering, from Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan. Before that he studied Istanbul University, Turkey. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada. His research interest is in AI and Data Science, Future Internet Architecture, Green Wireless and Sensor Communication.

Currently, he is an Assistant professor at Department of MSCS, University of Wisconsin, USA. Dr. Arif published 60+ research papers in International Journals (including IEEE Sensors Journal, IEEE Access Journal, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, Orphanet journal of rare diseases etc) and conferences (including IEEE Globcom, ITU Kaleidoscope etc). He achieved best paper award at ITU Kaleidoscope Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 12-14 December 2011.

Dr. Arif is a senior member of IEEE.

Besides scholarly works, he participated in different real world projects: Project at Japan and Canada: (i) GreenICN :EU-Japan project on Green and Content Centric Networks: The project team comprises organizations and researchers with diverse expertise: system and network equipment manufacturers (Panasonic JP, NEC Germany/EU and NEC JP), a startup (CEDEO Italy/EU), a telecommunication operator (Orange Labs Poland /EU) and seven research institutions (University of Gottingen Germany/EU, University College London UK/EU, University of Rome Italy/EU, KDDI Labs JP, University of Tokyo JP, University of Osaka JP and Waseda University JP)) (ii) CCN-W: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) Project for Promotion of Advanced Communication Applications Development (iii) "Research and Development on Fundamental and Utilization Technologies for Social Big Data", the Commissioned Research of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), JAPAN (iv) "Security issue of big data"; the draft accepted at International Telecommunication Union, Geneva (v)"Underwater Free Space Optical wireless communication Sensor Network" project funding from Research & Development Corporation (RDC) of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. (vi) The implementation of the Name Data Networking Architecture (a Future Internet Architecture) for the scenario of the video content delivery to the smart phone of the passengers in a public train (keiyo line Tokyo) network. (vii)The implementation of the Content Centric Architecture (a Future Internet Architecture) on the Virtual node of NTT (The Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation) Network.